Insect Repellents and Sunscreen

What comes first – the Sunscreen or Insect Repellent?

Such a conflict for summertime!  You want to avoid mosquito bites and sunburns. You want to make applying the needed sprays and creams as easy as possible, but what is safest? We have outlined some basic rules of thumb to help make your summer easier.

  1. We discussed sunscreen toxins previously, but an extra reminder comes into play here. Sunscreens containing oxybenzone (a toxin) can enhance the absorption of DEET. IfInsect Repellant and Sunscreen you have chosen products with these ingredients you should be aware that they enhance the problem together.
  2. Insect repellents can reduce the SPF factor to your sunscreen by one third (insect repellents continue to be as efficient when combined)
  3. Insect repellents do not need to be reapplied as frequently or as generously as sunscreen. By combining the two you would be either “over using” insect repellent or “under using” sunscreen.
  4. In most cases mosquitoes are not an issue at the same time sunscreen is needed so you would not need to use both products at once.
  5. Long clothing when possible is still a good rule of thumb for sun and insect protection.